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Christmas Shopping Early

There are two types of people in this world, the type of people that are prepared and do their Christmas shopping early and the type of people that are much less prepared and wait until last minute. There are of course some in between who shop at just the right time but that never seems to be me.

This year I have decided that I will be one of those super organized people who have everything ready and wrapped weeks before the big day.


These are a few things that I am going to do to help achieve my goal of having all Christmas presents ready by the end of October.

Listen to what loved ones are talking about.

To start my Christmas shopping challenge, I need to make sure I know what I’m thinking about purchasing. This is always my down fall when it comes to gifts, I never know what to buy which always results in leaving everything to last minute and buying things that maybe that person doesn’t really want. Lately I have been really listening to what loved ones have been talking about to see if I can get anything that they have mentioned.

Begin shopping now.

This is something I have already started which I’m really pleased about. It sounds mad to think I have already got some presents in August! This is a good idea as I am planning on  buying quite a few bits online and I like to leave sometime for them to arrive, especially if they are coming from other countries.

Write down everything I buy.

By the time Christmas comes around I will have forgotten half the gifts I have purchased so I am keeping a list of things I have bought.

Make the most of any Summer / Autumn sales.

This is a great time for sales so I plan to make the most of them and stock on some bargains!

If you would like to join along with my little Christmas shopping early challenge, please feel free, I would love to know how you get on 🙂

Jess x

lifestyle · Reviews · Uncategorized

Zara Winter Coat Review

The summer is almost over which only means one thing, the cold weather will soon be on its way!  I received this lovely Zara winter coat as a gift last Christmas and I can’t wait to be able to wear it again.


This pretty black jacket is the perfect coat for winter time. Not only is it nice and simple but it is really warm and cosy too. I must admit it is a little bit heavy but that is to be expected with a coat that is made for warmth.  I love the fact that it has two big pockets which zip up and keep my phone safe and sound.


The inside of this coat is very warm and it has a big hood to keep you dry on rainy days. It fits really well and the middle part can be adjusted to make it a little smaller if need be. Mine is a size S and there is still room to wear a big jumper underneath.


I would highly recommend a Zara jacket this winter as their products in general are well made and tend to last a long time. I enjoy simple clothing pieces but I’m sure they have more detailed styles of coats for people who are a little more daring than myself.

Thank you for reading, I hope this helped if you are thinking about purchasing a new coat.

Jess x

lifestyle · Money Saving · Uncategorized

Ideas For A No Spend Weekend

For some people a no spend weekend sounds like an absolute nightmare but when you are on a budget it’s a good idea to have some no spend days throughout the month. Below I have shared my no spend ideas that can help keep you busy over a weekend.

No spend weekend!

Read a favourite blog or book.

Make some cakes.

Learn a new skill through YouTube.

Window shop in your favourite shops.

Clean the house.

Organize your wardrobe.

Watch the birds in the garden.

Listen to your favourite artist and have a dance.

Take the family on a trip to the park.

Binge watch your favourite movies / TV shows on Netflix.

Watch the sunset with friends.

Explore the woods.

Go for a walk.

Invite a friend round for a coffee and a chat.

Take the dog out for a run.

Go blackberry picking.

Do some gardening.

Sell things you no longer want or need online.

Brush up on your cooking skills and try a new recipe for dinner.

Enjoy the sunshine in the garden.

I hope these ideas for a no spend weekend helped if you aren’t spending this weekend.

Jess x




lifestyle · Money Saving · Uncategorized

Ways To Save When Shopping For Clothing

I am always looking for ways to save money, especially when shopping for clothing. You may think that when you are on a budget it’s harder to find nice things but you would be so surprised how affordable some things can be. Below I’ve written down my top tips on bagging a clothing bargain.


Shop around to find the best price.

If you have something specific in mind it’s a great idea to shop around a little before purchasing what you’re searching for. Recently I was in need of a pair of black skinny jeans, I found that in places like Zara they were around the ÂŁ25 mark but when looking around a little I found a pair for ÂŁ10 which was much more affordable.

Shop online.

Things online tend to be a little cheaper and it saves you from having to search in different shops, instead you can browse the web from your sofa!

Check out your local charity shop.

People are constantly dropping clothing off at charity shops and thrift shops, not only could you find an item of clothing that you really love, you could get it super cheap too.

Supermarket brands have lovely things.

Supermarket brands like George are so affordable and have some great lines. The pyjama section is always my favourite to have a look in.

Some times you will need to be willing to compromise.

The exact same piece of clothing may not be available in a cheaper shop but there are so many other similar items that are just as good that won’t break the bank.

Make the most of sales.

When the sales come around it’s a great idea to think in advance, you may not need a new  jumper at that moment in time but when winter comes around you will be so happy you purchased it. It’s a brilliant idea to shop in the sales when they are almost over as the shops are practically giving things away.

I hope these easy ways to save money when shopping for clothing helped if you are looking for a new wardrobe.

Jess x

lifestyle · Uncategorized

Ways To Keep Pets Cool

The temperatures are rising this month and this means we need to find new ways to keep pets cool and comfortable when the temperatures soar. It’s always important to remember that your pets are feeling the heat as much as you are, if not more as most pets are covered in fur.


Keep the room nice and cool.

Whether you have air conditioning or a fan, you need to make sure you have something to keep the room cool for you pets.

Do not walk your dog at the hottest time of the day.

Walking your dog in the highest heat of the day is one of the worst things you can do, you may not be able to feel how hot the pavement is but they really can. Wait until cooler times of the day to take them on their walks.

Change water regularly.

During the day water bowls will need to be changed and filled up regularly. Pets need lots of water in hot weather, adding ice cubes will really help cool the water down for them.

Invest in a cool mat.

These are brilliant and come in all different sizes making them perfect for any pet. I have one for my cat and she likes to sleep on it every night. They cool your pets body temperature which makes them so much more comfortable.

Fill up a paddling pool or wet some small towels.

If you can see your pet is really overheating, paddling pools can be a great way to keep your dog cool. Wetting a small towel may be an easier way to keep a cat or a rabbit cool in the heat.

Let them sleep if they need to.

Usually your dog or cat might be full of so much energy but when it’s hot they won’t have as active and will need to get much more sleep. Let them sleep as much as they want and they will be much more energetic when it cools down.

I hope these ways to keep your pets cool help this summer.

Jess x

Reviews · Uncategorized

Rose Quartz Ring Set Review

I was gifted this beautiful Rose Quartz ring set for Christmas this year and I absolutely adore the rings. This gorgeous set is from a lovely shop on Etsy, VBsilverjewellery.


This stacking ring set includes one hammered D shape silver ring, one hammered silver ring which features a pale pink Rose Quartz gemstone cabochon and one beaded silver band. They are all made from sterling silver which is perfect as I like to keep jewellery on all the time and not have to take it off when washing my hands or showering.

This set is absolutely beautiful and it is perfect for every day wear, especially if you love simple jewellery that you don’t notice that you have on. It came beautifully packaged in a box and it had a little cloth included to polish the rings with.


I haven’t taken these off since I got them and I would highly recommend this shop to anyone who is looking for a beautiful gift for someone special.

If you would like to take a look at this set you can find it here.

Jess x

lifestyle · Money Saving · Uncategorized

10 Ways To Really Enjoy Your Staycation

Staycations can be just as fun as going on holiday abroad, this year the heat wave is making everyone feel like they’re on holiday.

Cream, Pink, & Blue Photo Grid Birthday Blog Idea Pinterest Graphic

Below I have listed 10 ways to really enjoy your staycation and how to make the most of the time you have got off work.


Treat it like a real holiday.

The first and probably the most important thing to remember when you are on a staycation is that you are taking time away from work, as much as you may love your job, you need to treat it like you are away on holiday and you will enjoy it so much more.

Plan different activities.

Sticking to your normal routine will not feel like you’re on holiday at all, step out of your comfort zone and try some new activities with the family.

Do the household chores before your holiday starts.

It’s so much nicer to start your break with a clean house, the laundry done and the cupboards full of food. This will mean that you can just enjoy time with your friends and family.


Switch off electronics.

Electronics have completely taken over our lives, although they can be a great thing, they can also be a big distraction from life itself. Instead of playing a game on your tablet, why not play cards in the garden? Or get some outdoor games out with your other half or kids? There’s so many fun things you can do in your garden without having to use an iPad and won’t even have to spend a penny.

Plan day trips.

Planning a day trip to explore a nearby city or a trip to the local park with a picnic can be such a fun day out. If you are more into an educational trip, there are some lovely museums and beautiful stately homes you can visit.

Invite friends and family round for a BBQ.

BBQ’s are literally the reason summer exists, there’s nothing better than an evening with friends, family and a big jug of pimms!


Spend some time at the seaside.

If you are close to the seaside head to the beach with a picnic and spend the day splashing in the sea. If you have children a bucket and space will keep them entertained for hours!

Try out a new pub or restaurant.

It’s a great time to try out a new pub or restaurant you have never been to. If you’re not sure where to go, you can always check some reviews online and see where the best places are.

Enjoy the sunshine.

The sunshine is the best part of a holiday, the main part of going abroad is to catch some rays and get a nice tan. This summer is one of the hottest yet, so grab your sun cream, a cool drink and spend some time relaxing in the garden. Just remember to keep hydrated and always move into the shade when you feel yourself burning. Make sure to keep out of the sun at the hottest times of the day.


Stock up on treats and ice creams.

Having treats in the house that you wouldn’t usually have will really make you feel like you away on holiday. Make sure to fill your freezer up with some yummy ice creams to cool you down when it gets too hot.

I hope this helped if you are planning on staying home this August.

Jess x

Reviews · Uncategorized

Bluedio T2 Wireless Bluetooth Headphones

These Bluedio T2 wireless Bluetooth headphones are a wonderful choice for someone who is looking for a great set of headphones at an affordable price.


I’ve had these for quite a while now, almost two years and they are still working exactly the same as when I got them. The sound quality is brilliant and the price of these headphones was great!

The battery life is really good too, they take maybe two hours to charge up fully and they have up to 40 hours of continuous music time. They are wireless which is perfect for when you want to listen to music but still want to move around without having to hold your phone.


They are compatible with smart phones, tablets, Bluetooth enabled MP3 players, I always use mine with my iPad and iPhone and I find there is never a problem when connecting them up to my devices.

headphones 2

I love the design of these headphones, especially the colour. I’ve got the red pair like the pictures above but they do have 3 other colours available, blue, red and black.

I can’t recommend these headphones enough, they are sturdy, durable and the sound is great. If you would like to take a look a these Bluedio t2 wireless Bluetooth headphones you can find them here.

I hope this has helped anyone who is looking for a new pair of headphones.

Jess x

Money Saving · Uncategorized

10 Easy Ways To Start Saving Money

Below I’ve listed 10 easy ways to start saving money that I find really do make a difference when counting the pennies. Saving money can be so difficult, especially when the summer holidays come around.

Stick to a list when shopping.

This seems like such a little thing you can do but it makes a massive difference. When you have a shopping list to keep to you find that you are much less likely to pick up anything you don’t need.


Check what you’re signed up to.

Receiving your favourite magazine every month can be great but do you really need it? Can you find something similar online for free? If so, it’s time to cancel some subscriptions and save a little extra from them.

Add a piggy bank to your household.

This is a great way to save money and also a fun way to get children involved too. Even if it’s only spare change that you are adding into the piggy bank, it will all add up.


Always ask yourself do I want it or do I need it.

This is my biggest rule when I’m on a budget, do I really need this item? Or do I just want it today and forget all about it tomorrow? This is a brilliant question when shopping because it really makes you think about how much you will save.

Ask friends out.

Social outings can be so expensive but if you are the arranging it, it can be a bit cheaper. Take a look around your local restaurants to see where the best deal is and arrange a gathering.


It’s always good to have a look online if you can get something cheaper.

There are so many deals online, whether it’s a new hoover you’re after or a new outfit, always check online to see if there is something similar in the sales.

Cut back on brands.

You might think oh no! I can’t give up well known brands but the amount of money you save using a supermarket’s own brand is crazy and you rarely notice much of a difference between them and the branded version.


Start baking.

Cakes and treats can sometimes be quite pricey in the shops, so why not get your apron out and bake a cake or two? They will not only be a saving in your budget but they will taste delicious too!


Take your lunch to work.

Sandwiches can be super pricey in the shops, especially when you can make them for next to nothing at home. If you are not a fan of sandwiches, you could make some pasta bake or risotto to take to work with you, still making it a cheaper choice.


Start your Christmas shopping early.

This is something that I’m currently doing, the earlier you start shopping for Christmas the cheaper it will be. Picking up items in the sales is a great way to save and be prepared for Christmas in advance.


I hope this list has helped if you are looking for some tips on ways to save a bit of money.

Jess x

lifestyle · Uncategorized

July Favourites

There were a couple of favourites in July that I thought I’d share. Below are some of my favourite things from last month.

Marble phone cases

I bought this gorgeous marble phone case a few months ago and I am still obsessed with it. I was a little bit unsure about it when I bought it because it was cheap! But I was so pleasantly surprised, it’s exactly as pictured and fits perfectly.



This is a bit of a every month favourite but I really enjoyed Netflix last month, especially ‘Good Girls’ which was added half way through July. It was so good that I finished it in about 4 days!

Unicorn night dress

This pretty unicorn night dress was a birthday present and I absolutely love it. It’s really comfy and light weight which is perfect for our current heatwave. The unicorn picture on the front is so cute and I think the colours really make it stand out.


Ice coffee

I love to have a coffee when I’m in town but it’s just so hot at the moment that I had to think of an other alternative and who doesn’t love an ice coffee in this heat? They are delicious, especially when they include wiped cream and chocolate sprinkles.

Bluedio headphones

I have had these Bluebedio T2 headphones for a while now and they are brilliant, I am constantly using them and find that the battery life is amazing! I recently wrote a review on these which you can find here.


Those are some of my July favourites, I hope you enjoyed reading.

Jess x