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Ways To Keep Pets Cool

The temperatures are rising this month and this means we need to find new ways to keep pets cool and comfortable when the temperatures soar. It’s always important to remember that your pets are feeling the heat as much as you are, if not more as most pets are covered in fur.


Keep the room nice and cool.

Whether you have air conditioning or a fan, you need to make sure you have something to keep the room cool for you pets.

Do not walk your dog at the hottest time of the day.

Walking your dog in the highest heat of the day is one of the worst things you can do, you may not be able to feel how hot the pavement is but they really can. Wait until cooler times of the day to take them on their walks.

Change water regularly.

During the day water bowls will need to be changed and filled up regularly. Pets need lots of water in hot weather, adding ice cubes will really help cool the water down for them.

Invest in a cool mat.

These are brilliant and come in all different sizes making them perfect for any pet. I have one for my cat and she likes to sleep on it every night. They cool your pets body temperature which makes them so much more comfortable.

Fill up a paddling pool or wet some small towels.

If you can see your pet is really overheating, paddling pools can be a great way to keep your dog cool. Wetting a small towel may be an easier way to keep a cat or a rabbit cool in the heat.

Let them sleep if they need to.

Usually your dog or cat might be full of so much energy but when it’s hot they won’t have as active and will need to get much more sleep. Let them sleep as much as they want and they will be much more energetic when it cools down.

I hope these ways to keep your pets cool help this summer.

Jess x

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