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Ways To Save When Shopping For Clothing

I am always looking for ways to save money, especially when shopping for clothing. You may think that when you are on a budget it’s harder to find nice things but you would be so surprised how affordable some things can be. Below I’ve written down my top tips on bagging a clothing bargain.


Shop around to find the best price.

If you have something specific in mind it’s a great idea to shop around a little before purchasing what you’re searching for. Recently I was in need of a pair of black skinny jeans, I found that in places like Zara they were around the £25 mark but when looking around a little I found a pair for £10 which was much more affordable.

Shop online.

Things online tend to be a little cheaper and it saves you from having to search in different shops, instead you can browse the web from your sofa!

Check out your local charity shop.

People are constantly dropping clothing off at charity shops and thrift shops, not only could you find an item of clothing that you really love, you could get it super cheap too.

Supermarket brands have lovely things.

Supermarket brands like George are so affordable and have some great lines. The pyjama section is always my favourite to have a look in.

Some times you will need to be willing to compromise.

The exact same piece of clothing may not be available in a cheaper shop but there are so many other similar items that are just as good that won’t break the bank.

Make the most of sales.

When the sales come around it’s a great idea to think in advance, you may not need a new  jumper at that moment in time but when winter comes around you will be so happy you purchased it. It’s a brilliant idea to shop in the sales when they are almost over as the shops are practically giving things away.

I hope these easy ways to save money when shopping for clothing helped if you are looking for a new wardrobe.

Jess x

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