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Ideas For A No Spend Weekend

For some people a no spend weekend sounds like an absolute nightmare but when you are on a budget it’s a good idea to have some no spend days throughout the month. Below I have shared my no spend ideas that can help keep you busy over a weekend.

No spend weekend!

Read a favourite blog or book.

Make some cakes.

Learn a new skill through YouTube.

Window shop in your favourite shops.

Clean the house.

Organize your wardrobe.

Watch the birds in the garden.

Listen to your favourite artist and have a dance.

Take the family on a trip to the park.

Binge watch your favourite movies / TV shows on Netflix.

Watch the sunset with friends.

Explore the woods.

Go for a walk.

Invite a friend round for a coffee and a chat.

Take the dog out for a run.

Go blackberry picking.

Do some gardening.

Sell things you no longer want or need online.

Brush up on your cooking skills and try a new recipe for dinner.

Enjoy the sunshine in the garden.

I hope these ideas for a no spend weekend helped if you aren’t spending this weekend.

Jess x




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