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Christmas Shopping Early

There are two types of people in this world, the type of people that are prepared and do their Christmas shopping early and the type of people that are much less prepared and wait until last minute. There are of course some in between who shop at just the right time but that never seems to be me.

This year I have decided that I will be one of those super organized people who have everything ready and wrapped weeks before the big day.


These are a few things that I am going to do to help achieve my goal of having all Christmas presents ready by the end of October.

Listen to what loved ones are talking about.

To start my Christmas shopping challenge, I need to make sure I know what I’m thinking about purchasing. This is always my down fall when it comes to gifts, I never know what to buy which always results in leaving everything to last minute and buying things that maybe that person doesn’t really want. Lately I have been really listening to what loved ones have been talking about to see if I can get anything that they have mentioned.

Begin shopping now.

This is something I have already started which I’m really pleased about. It sounds mad to think I have already got some presents in August! This is a good idea as I am planning on  buying quite a few bits online and I like to leave sometime for them to arrive, especially if they are coming from other countries.

Write down everything I buy.

By the time Christmas comes around I will have forgotten half the gifts I have purchased so I am keeping a list of things I have bought.

Make the most of any Summer / Autumn sales.

This is a great time for sales so I plan to make the most of them and stock on some bargains!

If you would like to join along with my little Christmas shopping early challenge, please feel free, I would love to know how you get on 🙂

Jess x

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