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Aliexpress Phone Case Review


I recently discovered a website called Aliexpress which is a market place for so many different items and they are a real bargain too!

I bought these two  lovely phone cases for myself and my mum. I was suprised at how quickly these arrived as they came all the way from china! I thought they would take around a month but they arrived within 2 weeks of purchasing.

I picked this pretty Candy Marble phone case for myself as I absolutely loved the pattern as soon as I saw it, I’ve never seen any like this one before. I have an iPhone 6 Plus and I found that this case fits really well and it’s quite strong without damaging my phone.

The second phone case I bought was for my mum, I was immediately drawn to this British Short Hair Cat case because my mum has got a British Short haired cat and I knew she would love it. The cat on the case is so sweet and looks exactly like my mums! This was a great purchase and again it fits really well and seems to be quite durable.

I was a little unsure about what these would be like as they were super cheap but I am so happy with both of them!

Have you bought anything from Aliexpress?

Jess x


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