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A Trip To Blenheim Palace

Last month my boyfriend and I stayed in Woodstock for a few days and while we were there we took a trip to the beautiful Blenheim Palace. 

It was overcast the day we visited and it was still absolutely stunning.

We received this lovely map when we purchased the tickets and we couldn’t believe how big the grounds actually are! We initially thought it would take maybe half an hour to look around but we ended up staying for at least two hours as there was just so much to see.

Unfortunately the day that we visited there were a lot of things that weren’t open such as the train, the butterfly house and some other parts but it was still so pretty to look around. There was also a massive maze that we spent a good 20 minutes lost in.

Being big Harry Potter fans, we were really excited to see the womping willow. It was so cool to see something that had played a big part in the films!

The wild life at Blenheim was wonderful too, there were so many lovely animals, ranging from geese to ducks and even squirrels darting across the grass and up into the the trees.

Below are some more pictures that we took, I can only imagine how stunning it must be on a sunnier day.

Have you ever visited Blenheim Palace?

Jess x

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