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Crochet Tea Pot Cozy

I recently took up crochet and although I am still a beginner I am really enjoying learning new patterns and spending time making new things.

When I first started to learn how to crochet I was watching simple YouTube tutorials and thought that it was really only a way to make blankets and larger items. I made a few small blankets but found them to be quite repetitive and time consuming.

Since then I have realised that there are so many other wonderful things that can be made and I have also learnt how to read patterns which is so much easier than having to watch videos for hours.

This is a tea pot cozy that I finished a few days ago and I am so pleased with how it turned out. I must admit it looks a little different than the pattern that I was initially following, mostly because I only used two colours and also because my tea pot is a completely different size and shape but I am still so happy with it 🙂

Jess x