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10 Ways To Really Enjoy Your Staycation

Staycations can be just as fun as going on holiday abroad, this year the heat wave is making everyone feel like they’re on holiday.

Cream, Pink, & Blue Photo Grid Birthday Blog Idea Pinterest Graphic

Below I have listed 10 ways to really enjoy your staycation and how to make the most of the time you have got off work.


Treat it like a real holiday.

The first and probably the most important thing to remember when you are on a staycation is that you are taking time away from work, as much as you may love your job, you need to treat it like you are away on holiday and you will enjoy it so much more.

Plan different activities.

Sticking to your normal routine will not feel like you’re on holiday at all, step out of your comfort zone and try some new activities with the family.

Do the household chores before your holiday starts.

It’s so much nicer to start your break with a clean house, the laundry done and the cupboards full of food. This will mean that you can just enjoy time with your friends and family.


Switch off electronics.

Electronics have completely taken over our lives, although they can be a great thing, they can also be a big distraction from life itself. Instead of playing a game on your tablet, why not play cards in the garden? Or get some outdoor games out with your other half or kids? There’s so many fun things you can do in your garden without having to use an iPad and won’t even have to spend a penny.

Plan day trips.

Planning a day trip to explore a nearby city or a trip to the local park with a picnic can be such a fun day out. If you are more into an educational trip, there are some lovely museums and beautiful stately homes you can visit.

Invite friends and family round for a BBQ.

BBQ’s are literally the reason summer exists, there’s nothing better than an evening with friends, family and a big jug of pimms!


Spend some time at the seaside.

If you are close to the seaside head to the beach with a picnic and spend the day splashing in the sea. If you have children a bucket and space will keep them entertained for hours!

Try out a new pub or restaurant.

It’s a great time to try out a new pub or restaurant you have never been to. If you’re not sure where to go, you can always check some reviews online and see where the best places are.

Enjoy the sunshine.

The sunshine is the best part of a holiday, the main part of going abroad is to catch some rays and get a nice tan. This summer is one of the hottest yet, so grab your sun cream, a cool drink and spend some time relaxing in the garden. Just remember to keep hydrated and always move into the shade when you feel yourself burning. Make sure to keep out of the sun at the hottest times of the day.


Stock up on treats and ice creams.

Having treats in the house that you wouldn’t usually have will really make you feel like you away on holiday. Make sure to fill your freezer up with some yummy ice creams to cool you down when it gets too hot.

I hope this helped if you are planning on staying home this August.

Jess x

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July Favourites

There were a couple of favourites in July that I thought I’d share. Below are some of my favourite things from last month.

Marble phone cases

I bought this gorgeous marble phone case a few months ago and I am still obsessed with it. I was a little bit unsure about it when I bought it because it was cheap! But I was so pleasantly surprised, it’s exactly as pictured and fits perfectly.



This is a bit of a every month favourite but I really enjoyed Netflix last month, especially ‘Good Girls’ which was added half way through July. It was so good that I finished it in about 4 days!

Unicorn night dress

This pretty unicorn night dress was a birthday present and I absolutely love it. It’s really comfy and light weight which is perfect for our current heatwave. The unicorn picture on the front is so cute and I think the colours really make it stand out.


Ice coffee

I love to have a coffee when I’m in town but it’s just so hot at the moment that I had to think of an other alternative and who doesn’t love an ice coffee in this heat? They are delicious, especially when they include wiped cream and chocolate sprinkles.

Bluedio headphones

I have had these Bluebedio T2 headphones for a while now and they are brilliant, I am constantly using them and find that the battery life is amazing! I recently wrote a review on these which you can find here.


Those are some of my July favourites, I hope you enjoyed reading.

Jess x

lifestyle · Money Saving · Uncategorized

Easy Ways To Keep Cool This Summer

With the temperatures soaring this week I thought I would share some easy ways to keep cool this summer that will really help, especially if you don’t have lots of money to spend!


Wear light and airy clothing.

It is very important to wear clothing that is light and airy as this will really cool you down in the summer months. I find that pj shorts are the best option when relaxing at home as these are super light and comfy. When nipping to the shops or for coffee I tend to wear light dresses instead of shorts as dresses are not as tight and do not cling onto you as much.

Cold drinks.

There is nothing more refreshing than a cold drink on a summers day. Anything with lots of ice in it will cool you down. It is also recommended to drink a good amount of water to avoid any dehydration.


Cold showers.

I find that cold showers really help in the summer, especially if you get your head completely wet too. I believe that wetting your feet and head really cools your body down.

Keeping out of the sun.

Direct sunshine can overheat your body massively, although having a beautiful tan sounds wonderful, it is best to keep out of the sun at the hottest times of the day.

Ice pops.

Just like cool drinks ice pops can cool you right down and they taste delicious too. Ice pops are so cheap and easy to make which makes them a great choice.


I hope these easy ways to keep cool this summer really help to make it a summer to remember!

Jess x