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Ideas For A No Spend Weekend

For some people a no spend weekend sounds like an absolute nightmare but when you are on a budget it’s a good idea to have some no spend days throughout the month. Below I have shared my no spend ideas that can help keep you busy over a weekend.

No spend weekend!

Read a favourite blog or book.

Make some cakes.

Learn a new skill through YouTube.

Window shop in your favourite shops.

Clean the house.

Organize your wardrobe.

Watch the birds in the garden.

Listen to your favourite artist and have a dance.

Take the family on a trip to the park.

Binge watch your favourite movies / TV shows on Netflix.

Watch the sunset with friends.

Explore the woods.

Go for a walk.

Invite a friend round for a coffee and a chat.

Take the dog out for a run.

Go blackberry picking.

Do some gardening.

Sell things you no longer want or need online.

Brush up on your cooking skills and try a new recipe for dinner.

Enjoy the sunshine in the garden.

I hope these ideas for a no spend weekend helped if you aren’t spending this weekend.

Jess x




lifestyle · Money Saving · Uncategorized

Ways To Save When Shopping For Clothing

I am always looking for ways to save money, especially when shopping for clothing. You may think that when you are on a budget it’s harder to find nice things but you would be so surprised how affordable some things can be. Below I’ve written down my top tips on bagging a clothing bargain.


Shop around to find the best price.

If you have something specific in mind it’s a great idea to shop around a little before purchasing what you’re searching for. Recently I was in need of a pair of black skinny jeans, I found that in places like Zara they were around the £25 mark but when looking around a little I found a pair for £10 which was much more affordable.

Shop online.

Things online tend to be a little cheaper and it saves you from having to search in different shops, instead you can browse the web from your sofa!

Check out your local charity shop.

People are constantly dropping clothing off at charity shops and thrift shops, not only could you find an item of clothing that you really love, you could get it super cheap too.

Supermarket brands have lovely things.

Supermarket brands like George are so affordable and have some great lines. The pyjama section is always my favourite to have a look in.

Some times you will need to be willing to compromise.

The exact same piece of clothing may not be available in a cheaper shop but there are so many other similar items that are just as good that won’t break the bank.

Make the most of sales.

When the sales come around it’s a great idea to think in advance, you may not need a new  jumper at that moment in time but when winter comes around you will be so happy you purchased it. It’s a brilliant idea to shop in the sales when they are almost over as the shops are practically giving things away.

I hope these easy ways to save money when shopping for clothing helped if you are looking for a new wardrobe.

Jess x

Money Saving · Uncategorized

10 Easy Ways To Start Saving Money

Below I’ve listed 10 easy ways to start saving money that I find really do make a difference when counting the pennies. Saving money can be so difficult, especially when the summer holidays come around.

Stick to a list when shopping.

This seems like such a little thing you can do but it makes a massive difference. When you have a shopping list to keep to you find that you are much less likely to pick up anything you don’t need.


Check what you’re signed up to.

Receiving your favourite magazine every month can be great but do you really need it? Can you find something similar online for free? If so, it’s time to cancel some subscriptions and save a little extra from them.

Add a piggy bank to your household.

This is a great way to save money and also a fun way to get children involved too. Even if it’s only spare change that you are adding into the piggy bank, it will all add up.


Always ask yourself do I want it or do I need it.

This is my biggest rule when I’m on a budget, do I really need this item? Or do I just want it today and forget all about it tomorrow? This is a brilliant question when shopping because it really makes you think about how much you will save.

Ask friends out.

Social outings can be so expensive but if you are the arranging it, it can be a bit cheaper. Take a look around your local restaurants to see where the best deal is and arrange a gathering.


It’s always good to have a look online if you can get something cheaper.

There are so many deals online, whether it’s a new hoover you’re after or a new outfit, always check online to see if there is something similar in the sales.

Cut back on brands.

You might think oh no! I can’t give up well known brands but the amount of money you save using a supermarket’s own brand is crazy and you rarely notice much of a difference between them and the branded version.


Start baking.

Cakes and treats can sometimes be quite pricey in the shops, so why not get your apron out and bake a cake or two? They will not only be a saving in your budget but they will taste delicious too!


Take your lunch to work.

Sandwiches can be super pricey in the shops, especially when you can make them for next to nothing at home. If you are not a fan of sandwiches, you could make some pasta bake or risotto to take to work with you, still making it a cheaper choice.


Start your Christmas shopping early.

This is something that I’m currently doing, the earlier you start shopping for Christmas the cheaper it will be. Picking up items in the sales is a great way to save and be prepared for Christmas in advance.


I hope this list has helped if you are looking for some tips on ways to save a bit of money.

Jess x

Money Saving · Uncategorized

Easy Butter Icing Fairy Cakes

This morning I made this lovely butter icing fairy cakes, these were super cheap to make and they look very sweet too. These are also so quick to make which makes them a great treat to make with children.

Baking on a budget can seem a little bit tough, especially when you have been scrolling through Instagram and seeing all those beautiful expensively iced cakes. But baking on a budget can be just as beautiful and maybe even more delicious.

Butter Icing Fairy Cakes

This recipe makes 12 fairy cakes, the ingredients are:
137g of flour.
112g of margarine.
112g of sugar.
2 eggs.
Half a tea spoon of baking powder.
A pinch of salt.
A splash of full milk.

To begin pre heat oven to 180 degrees.

Put margarine and sugar into a bowl and mix well until fluffy. Beat two eggs in a mug with a fork and add them a little at a time into the bowl, continue mixing once they have been added.

Sieve flour and baking powder into the mixture and fold them into it. Add a splash of full milk and carry on mixing.

Put equal amounts into 12 cake cakes and bake for 20 minutes until golden brown.

Leave these to cool on a wire and once they have cooled you can start to decorate! I did a simple rose swirl on mine but you can make them look as pretty as you want or even add some food colouring to change the icing colour.

Ingredients for butter icing:
140g of butter.
280g of icing powder.
1 – 2 table spoons of full milk.

To make the butter icing beat the butter and sugar together in a baking bowl until smooth and fluffy. Add a splash of full milk to the mix and beat the icing a little more.

Grab a pipping bag and you are ready to start creating!

These are delicious and a lovely bake for all the family to try.

Jess x